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Peer Graded Assessments

Author: ATU Galway

What is it?

Students grade and/or provide feedback on each other’s assignments using rubrics/grading criteria they have developed themselves or with which they have been provided. This helps students to identify mistakes in their peer’s work and help each other learn from their mistakes.

Advantages & Challenges

Tips for Use

  • Consider providing students with training on how to grade assessments and give constructive feedback.
  • Provide students with a clear and easy to follow grading rubric to follow when looking at their peer’s assessments.
  • Consider using anonymous peer assessment to minimize bias and encourage honest feedback. This can help students feel more comfortable providing constructive feedback.
  • Monitor the peer assessment process closely to ensure fairness and consistency. Review assessments for accuracy and provide feedback to students on their evaluations to improve their assessment skills.

Sample Rubrics

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