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Author: ATU Galway

What is it?

This is a form of assessment where students are presented with a range of questions either formatively or summativley. A range of question types can be incorporated such as MCQ’s, pictures and short answer questions.

Advantages & Challenges

Tips for Use

  • Provide students with clear instructions on the format and the timeframe that they must complete the quiz/short exercises.
  • Let students know the digital equipment/tools they need access to and if the assessment will be available to them remotely and or in an on-campus environment.
  • Ideally allow them a ‘practice run’ in advance of the quiz/short exercise, where they will complete and submit following the same instructions as you intend to provide on the day.
  • If running an online quiz, consider creating a bank of different questions. By doing this you could give different students a different bank of questions of have the questions randomised through your VLE.


Sample Rubrics

Related Tools

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